The Scholars ProgramUNIVERSITIES ACTIVITIESThe Scholars Program seeks to help students maximize their university experience. It is a full-year program that supplements the formal studies of undergraduate men who want to grow academically, professionally and personally, and become leaders of integrity, virtue and moral probity.
It is an initiative sponsored by the Canadian Youth Leadership Institute. |
Rev UpHIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIESRev Up is a leadership program for young men in high school (grades 9 to 12) that aims to help them become mature and virtuous leaders, committed to the service of their families, friends and of society at large. The program incorporates time for reflection and individual mentoring.
Summer ProgramsHIGH SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIESIn collaboration with the Canadian Youth Leadership Institute (CYLI), Parkhill offers multiple summer programs for high school and university students. These include the Big Picture Seminar and service projects, in Canada and abroad.